
Lessons to learn from Black Friday – & why did I buy those Aftershockz Headphones!

Has everyone survived Black Friday? I think I’ve just about made it through without too much damage on my bank balance!

My Facebook feed is full of it, my email inbox is full of it and if I’m completely honest out of the fifteen or so emails I’ve received daily with a so-called special offer I’ve opened one to take a proper look at what the offer is, the rest I’ve haven’t even looked past the headline I’ve just deleted it.

As for the Facebook ads/posts – I find them quite annoying and just scroll by. Again, there was only one I was remotely interested in and clicked on.

Making The Most Of BLack Friday -Adding a Countdown Timer to Your Offer Page Creates Urgency. Also See Highlights Limited No Of Units

Actually I’m rather pleased with what I ended up buying, a pair of wireless headphones from Aftershockz which were on a special BOGOF offer, so hubby gets a pair too!

Looking at it with my business head-on, I’ve been thinking about what my customer journey was from initial interest to purchase.

Step 0: I have a problem with headphones whilst exercising. They don’t fit in my ears properly and I would rather have wireless ones. I learnt about bone conductor headphones on social media and have been thinking they might be good for me but a special occasion purchase rather than an “I’ll go and get them today” purchase.

Step 1: Instagram post from a brand ambassador two weeks (approx.) prior to the event mentioning Aftershockz deal BOGOF and showing who he was giving his free pair too. I thought it was nice he was giving away a pair to someone deserving. Interestingly I don’t follow him because of his relationship with headphone suppliers (I didn’t know he had one!) more about his sporting antics.

Step 2: I went to Aftershockz website to find out if this was a deal in the UK, a real deal, what the deal was etc. Decided it was a good deal so signed up to their email list to be told when the deal was going live. Note clearly explained limited batch on the BOGOF, so first come first served.

Step 3: Get reminded on an email that the deal was going live the next day at midnight – again reminded only 1000 lots. I’m like I need my sleep it’s not that important they are only headphones! Oh well worth a try.

Step 4: Get told via email and social media all sold out within 45 mins. Fair enough and congrats to those that stayed up and bought.

Step 5: Email received: Another 500 units being released the next day at 10 am. OOOH, I’m interested! Check calendar I’m in the office. Block out time in the calendar.

Step 6: 9.55 am – get the website up and running (not confident relying on mobile sites with such a time-critical important purchase to be made!) Offer product was easily spotted on the page – click and wahooo the products in the basket! Make some double checks. It is the BOGOF offer – yes!

Step 7: Complete purchase – this was super easy. No need to register. No going off to a different payment platform. Put card details in and gave ourselves a high 5 for our super dooper deal purchase.

So, its an interesting journey isn’t it, and one that made it through the tsunami of black Friday nonsense that’s been hitting my feed and inbox the last few days so why did it stand out to me?

1 – It was something I was looking for to solve a problem.

Making the Most of Black Friday - Highlighting the deal Is time limited and a One Off Special despite already ordered continues to build trust and confidence.

2 – It was time-limited – I trusted that this was a one-off special that wasn’t going to be repeated anytime soon.

3 – There was a very limited quantity at that price – not too limited to think it was a scam, but enough to believe in the offer. Clearly shown once sold out

4 – The price – my free pair are worth £70 plus £10 off the main pair = £80 discount. The bundle would have cost £220.

5 – Shipping, Returns and Warranty details were clear and simple. 30 days try and buy, free shipping and I knew what warranty the product came with.

I suspect this was a strategic offer which was planned well in advance. Work to check website functionality was done, assessment of stock and fulfilment systems was looked at, and so on.

My advice is to not jump on a bandwagon. Be strategic and plan your sales strategy.

Read the second lesson here to see if Aftershockz came up with the goods. https://wearethemissinglink.com/first-lesson-from-black-friday

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