
7 Reasons Why WordPress is Great

When talking about website platforms WordPress comes up alot in conversations – and there’s good reason. According to a recent survey, 32% of all websites are powered by it, so why isn’t yours? In this article I outline some key reasons why WordPress is great and why you should consider it for your website eCommerce and or CMS platform.

What is WordPress? WordPress started out as a blogging platform, but has grown into a pretty sophisticated and robust web software system that allows you to build a website or blog quickly and easily. The geeky term would be “open source content management system”. Open Source means its freely available to use by anyone, and content management system – often abbreviated to CMS – means you can manage the content that you upload onto you website.

WordPress is Free

Yes, that’s right, free. At no cost to you, you can download it and install it and use it. How amazing is that. You too can join the likes of The Walt Disney Company, The New York Times Company and Usain Bolt in using WordPress. OK so some things you do have to pay for, ie hosting, and some of the premium plugins and themes come at a cost, however your online business can be up and running for free.

WordPress is Easy to Customise

WordPress has been created specifically to make it easy for non techy folk to do it themselves. Soo many themes and wordpress plugins to choose from to make your website or blog truly bespoke. Whether you are using WordPress to create a blog, business website or online store, there is a theme or template to suit, allowing you to brand your WordPress site, add logos and create beautiful sliders. Check out our blog about choosing wordpress plugins here

WordPress Can Be Upscaled When Your Business Grows

This is where I think WordPress comes into its own. From the beginning you can start off with something very simple to suit your fledgling business, however as your business grows and you want to add features or functionality depending on what your business needs, you are already on the best platform with the foundations to make this upscale easy. You don’t have to worry about migrating a website from a different platform which has generated traffic and rankings.

WordPress is Easy To Manage

Some people reading this might not have ever heard of managing their website or blog, but there is ongoing maintenance that should be done to keep your site safe, secure and operating at top speed. And why should you do that, because Google knows and like safe and secure speedy sites and ranks accordingly. Yes you can outsource this to a website management company, but things like backups, security updates, plugin updates etc should be done regularly and WordPress makes it simple to do by notifying you when updates are released. They are important so don’t ignore them.

SEO loves WordPress

SEO basics are easy to build into the platform by installing one of the may free plugins, so your title tags and meta descriptions are automatically generated. This is in information search engines review to see what your website is all about so it shows up on the world wide web helping to get you indexed and ranked. Yes there are plugins offering more advanced SEO – we use Yoast-SEO plugin which is amazing. You start off with a focus keyword and it will use a traffic light system of analysis to tell you where you can improve and what you are doing well. It will really help you get better results on building your organic traffic.

Sell Your Stuff Easily With WordPress

WordPress definitely holds its on amongst the platforms offering eCommerce functionality, via the brilliant WooCommerce plugin that gives you product galleries, payment gateways (PayPal via default) and shopping carts. Other plugins also mean you can sell globally with price via location, multi-currency and shipping options to highlight a couple.

Check out our article here about getting more online sales through your website

WordPress Gives You The Control

The question who controls your website is to us an important one. And it’s another reason why we love WordPress above Wix, Squarespace, Shopify etc. Because you are free to do what you want with your WordPress site, in whichever way you want it. So-called free website platforms which I’ve described above start off as a fantastic solution initially, hey its all free and you only have to deal with one company – however they control the environment your pages and how information is loaded on. Additional features are offered in a way similar to a banquet take away menu – you end up wanting 1 of menu a, 2 of menu b and 1 of menu c, so you end up with a pricey package with none of the flexibility of WordPress. You’ll be beholden to the website providers re the security and site speed, and if there is a problem you will need to navigate through their call centre.

So in summary, we love WordPress – can you tell!! It is in our mind one of the best platforms out there for your online business. You can make your site unique, add the features and functionality you want and retain control. There is a whole community out there to support you, and as your online business grows, your WordPress site can easily upscale to match your ambition. Think you might not be on the right platform for your business?

Let’s Talk

Do you have big plans for your organization? Want to talk about what systems you need to make it happen? Or is something not working and you need a better website conversion rates. Let’s talk and see if we can offer some solutions.